This Happiness-Boosting Habit Beats Gratitude

By Aviva Solson

By Aviva Solson

RTT® Practitioner and Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist, Speaker, and Best Selling Author

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The importance of gratitude cannot be understated.

When done right, gratitude is a transformative force.

However, this new happiness-boosting habit can be even more powerful than gratitude.

This isn’t just theory.

I’ve been testing it out at family gatherings and team meetings and seen the results firsthand. Everyone is raving about it.

It’s the practice of APPRECIATION!

You might be wondering “But Aviva, isn’t that the same thing as gratitude?”

And my response to you would be “not exactly”.

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful. Most of the times, when asked what they’re thankful for, people mention things like their jobs, their spouses, their health…

There’s nothing wrong with that. Gratitude is positively powerful!

Appreciation is different. It’s about recognizing something great is someone else and letting them know about it.

To quote Steven Covey, “The greatest need of a human being is to be understood, validated and appreciated.”

So, the next time you find yourself surrounded by family, friends, or colleagues, go around the table, and publicly appreciate the person sitting next to you.

Better yet, don’t wait for an opportunity when you can create one. Pick up the phone. Walk up to the person. Tell the person what you appreciate about them.

Talk about something specific that you love or admire about them. Brag on them. Give them a shoutout.

Let me demonstrate with this example –

“Karen, I appreciate how creative you are. How thoughtful you are. I love the zest with which you do everything. And the way you’re ever-willing to rock the next karaoke tune is admirable!”

I think you get the idea. But if you’re not used to giving people compliments on specific things, here’s a template to get your creative juices flowing –

“[First name], I so appreciate your ______ [quality/trait]. I say that because ________ [specific details & evidence]”

Easy, right?

You put some thought into this, and I promise you’ll find that –

What you appreciate, appreciates.

The more you can express genuine appreciation for the people in your life, the stronger your relationships will become and the more fulfilling your life will be.

Now, I’d love to hear from you.  Let’s get this appreciation party started.

In the comments below, tell me at least one person you appreciate in your life and why. Be specific and comprehensive in your answer.

For extra credit, send that person a link to this post so they can see your kind words ‘in print’ and for all the world to see.

Remember, share as much detail as possible. Your story may help someone have a meaningful breakthrough. Plus, it will make you feel incredible.

And while we’re on the topic of appreciation, I want you to know that I APPRECIATE YOU.

You’re not just a reader on my website. You’re a person. With dreams, goals, and aspirations. With life’s big and small challenges and daily wins worth celebrating. A person who hums their favorite song without even realizing it and a favorite cereal (hey, I respect that 😊)

Whether you’ve known me for years or you’re new to my side of the inter-webs…whether we’ve already worked together and you’re rocking your new, transformed life or whether you’re still on the fence…the fact that you’re here, giving my words your time and consideration is a gift.

For that, and for so much more, I appreciate you! Thank you for letting me be a part of your world!

The grass is always greener where you water it. Nowhere is this truer than in our relationships. Share this post with someone you appreciate and let them know just how wonderful they are.

With tons of love,

Aviva, XO

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Olympus

    Great content! Keep up the good work!

    1. admin

      Glad you found value in my content. Share it with a friend who needs a happiness boost today 🙂

    1. admin

      Thank you! My mission is to help people live the life they dream of. And no life is complete without deep, genuine happiness, am I right? Glad you found value in my content. Share it with a friend who needs a happiness boost today ?

    1. admin

      Yay! I’m glad you found value in my content. Share this post and this site with friends and family so they can benefit from it too ?

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